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Motivation through action is So hard when chronically depressed & isolated with zero support network.Any positive advice


Re: Motivation through action is So hard when chronically depressed & isolated with zero support network.Any positive advice

Dear @LeeMann,

It definitely is hard to be motivated when you're feeling depressed the way that you are.  Getting the will to get out of bed and get into the shower is a remarkable act of effort when you're not well.  Let me just throw some ideas out to you and see what of these might be of help to you:

1. I put on my headphones and listen to meditations by a wonderful woman called Tara Brach.  That means that I can be on the train or lie back on the bed, or even be in front of an altar and listen to someone else guide me because there's nothing more difficult than trying to meditate without help when I'm unwell.  There's also an app called Plum Village which is a Vietnamese Zen {Thien} form of Buddhism and there are many guided meditations that you can find in there as well.

2. I'm so sorry to hear that you don't have a support network, but we can build one.  Local councils often have free group counselling, so see if you can contact a local council and see whether anything is available in your area.  You may be able to Google your area and SANE offer free group therapy as well.  Have you ever tried to go on to Meetup online and go on bush walks or other group activities?  Have you considered volunteering to just get out of the house?

That might be enough recommendations to start with for now.  I really wish you well and please do know that you have a support community here online who really care and want to help you.

Much love, Rose.

Re: Motivation through action is So hard when chronically depressed & isolated with zero support network.Any positive advice

Hello @LeeMann, welcome to the forums, I am glad you're here!


That is so true, motivation through action or any means is extremely difficult when depressed, everything can feel impossible. Being isolated and having no support on top of that is a really rough go, I'm sorry you're in that position. I do hope that just by being on here you might feel some sense of community and connection. These forums are awesome for that, you are never alone!


I experience depressive episodes that can last weeks or months, when I am in this state I have to force myself to do the things and it can be really painful but in the long run I am better for it. I have to really praise myself for the small wins. If I got up, took my meds, ate something, changed my shirt etc, I'm absolutely smashing it! The actions don't have to be big or achievements to be motivating. Being really really kind to myself and allowing myself things that feel good, watching a funny or mindless show, having a sweet treat, indulging my senses, trying to treat myself like I am somebody who needs taking care of. Eventually it gets easier. 


Support will do a world of good, I used to be quite isolated too until I started volunteering in my community. I know it sounds scary but do you think that is something you could take a leap with, building yourself a village? 



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