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Support from People with MI


Apart from the support given by the medical profession, family and friends, I am wondering if people find support from other people with MI.

My flatmate is a paranoid schizophrenic and my best buddy has Tourettes. Even though they have their own issues I find they can be very supportive and understanding about my disorder.

From my time in clinics I have made some friends with other MI people too and they have had a really positive effect on me as well.


Re: Support from People with MI

I think there's a natural tendency for like minded people to attract one another.  Over the years I've found that the majority of my friends have dealt with some form of mental illness both as consumers and carers.  I think in some cases we just subconsciously move towards people who understand us.  Either that or I simply send all my friends around the twist lol

Re: Support from People with MI

I go to occasionally a peer support group in town, so I have met a lot of " nuts". I do like " nuts" best because they are so tolerant of others and non judgemental, this can not be stressed enough. Then again, it is hard for a person who has never been ill to understand what it is like. One of my friends who has the sensitivity of a car smash, has always said " I would rather lose my bowel control then lose my mind", which is saying something eh!

Re: Support from People with MI

Some people have a way with words..just wonder if they realise what they are actually saying.. I lost my mind for a while but though painful, I am grateful for having lived through it. The thing is, I don't think anyone would choose to lose their minds or their bowels...

Re: Support from People with MI

Agree with you there Sandy, but she has the sensivity of a stone☺️

Re: Support from People with MI

Hey Neb, sometimes it might prove useful to have that kind of sensitivity..just not sure when..maybe when dealing with Centre link are 125th in the queue...
Another asset she brings is diversity of viewpoint, and continuing this thanks to her stone like words we are debunking and challenging language. Love it!

Re: Support from People with MI

Most of my friends have lived experience of MI. I think we share an understanding of the ups and downs associated with life in its extremes, and have a mutual support system in operation for much of the time. I think understanding of severe psychosis is not common in the general community.


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