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Looking after ourselves

Re: Who are You?

M&Ms are so so yummy.......

Keira, thank you. I am hoping to get on a plane with one of my dear girlfriends who lives near me next Bali. I've tried to warn her I'll be sleeping, usually in bed by 9pm reading books......shelle be fine. She's a 72 year old groover !

Re: Who are You?

Hey @justanother47yr, good on you for having the courage to try something new!!!
I am wondering if you are missing your art work? Or, are you in fact using your creativity in a different way?
That is, by continuing to support the creation and growth of this online community..

When it comes to the decision to go back on medication, you are showing us all that sometimes medication definitely has its uses...I have been off and on over the years depending on life circumstances...

Re: Who are You?

thanks Ms Allessandra1992. I didn't realise how much I need to check on my medication. I knew that I needed it but this is bringing back memories on how difficult life is without medication. .....
It's an eye opener.

Re: Who are You?

@PeppiPatty  Bali sounds amazing.  I think I might find myself there too next year.  I've never been.

I originally had a trip to Europe or the USA in mind but the more I think about it, the more I see it as being just too stressful right now and way too long a plane ride for me to sit still for that long.

I am not a beach person at all but all I want to do right now is go lie under a palm tree and veg out for at least a week.  Some of the resorts over there look really nice.

Re: Who are You?

Dear Kiera80,

I live right next to beautiful beaches that is just so tranquil and I've not been there yet this Spring/summer.
Yeah....that sounds good.....the thought of going on a long long flight is stressful.....

Re: Who are You?


I know I cant feel any of what you have described in the same way that you feel and live it, but reading your post tonight, I felt an instant sense of familiarility with the question you raised. While its all so draining of your energy, you cant help but wonder what will happen, how you will feel when it stops...

I guess you and I just have to trust ourselves to know what feels ok. And to strive for better, when we know that things can be better. 

I admire your courage and commitment, and I know that the person you care for does too.




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