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Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

That's amazing @Sans911   Good on you!  I can only imagine how challenging it must be returning to formal study after so long.   There's a lot to be said for structure and routine, and even more for exercising the grey matter.  I really hope you've done well, I'm sure you have a lot to offer in the field of MH.  I very much admire the nursing profession - such an important role.  My best friend is a psych nurse - we make an odd couple!

I tried to renew my qualifications as a massage therapist after 25 years practising, but started it on a bipolar high and had to pull out when I crashed into another major depression.  Looking back I can see that was probably for the best as I was in no postition to take on having others place their health in my hands while managing being unstable myself.  That was a few years ago now.  I'm a lot more stable these days and recently I completed a bridge playing course and really felt my memory, concentration and cognition come back to life.  I want to keep them alive!  Contemplating doing a basic computer course part-time maybe next year.   And possibly working towards doing peer support work in mental health.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

I've done massage therapy as well @eth. Unfortunately my joints can non longer take the pressure. I mostly did it part time and often for friends but I have qualifications as well.

I've never played bridge, but if that helped you a lot it must be good. I'm not great at card games.

My memory and cognition have been badly affected by my mental health. Just yesterday I saw someone I met last Wednesday (for the first time) but I had no recollection of meeting her. Very embarrassing.

Peer support work is very beneficial and rewarding. And a future growth as well.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

I have things like that happen too @Sans911   On a good day I can do all sorts of admin type things and have multiple conversations about important stuff, and then completely forget what I've done or what was said over following days.  I agree, it's embarassing, to say the least.   

I have dodgy thumb joints these days too, and lower back weakness, which combine to mean giving a massage can be quite painful for me.  I still do friends and family when asked to as there's no point having the knowledge if I can't at least help them, but luckily I am not asked very often!

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Signing out now @Sans911   it's been nice talking and getting to know you a bit better.  I have to get ready for a morning outing.  Hope you have a peaceful and productive day.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

oh that sounds like a handy app @Sans911
can i ask the name of it? i tried a mood app before but gosh it was crappy.
the break from studying will probably be a good thing in a way, i know you were quite stressed with it and trying to get your head around the content of that topic. hopefully with a break youll have faith in yourself that you can do it

i know tomorrow may be a little tricky for you as well but ill be around if you need xo

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

morning @eth its good to see you popping up more

morning also @Snowie @Appleblossom @CheerBear and all passing through

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Morning @outlander and thanks for the shout out.

Hi to all. Hope the day so far is going OK 🙂

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

@outlander Like your idea of lil house in the country, but yes there is so uch building everywhere ... I am not sure it is all "development".


Hi @eth  


@Sans911 I have big issues regarding recognising people and remembering names and where they fit in etc,  it can get me acting all silly and overgirlish cos I am not sure, but learning to roll with it.  Having name and photo ids helps. But there is no point going all out to remember cos I never know who it is I am going to run into ...


Study can be great for the brain and its def an area they need more staff in .... but will the positions open up ???  Hope so and Hope you did alright.

Smiley Happy


@Snowie Good to see you and hope settling back hom is good.

Smiley Happy


Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

It's called Daylio @outlander.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Evening @Sans911 @Appleblossom @outlander @eth and whoever else is around. Hope you have all had some good moments in your day Heart

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