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Re: Moving out of home

Hi @Former-Member

I am sorry you are going through it and it is super hard to afford living each week.

I don't think you are doing anything wrong, unfortunately as you say why does MI cost so much.

The only way I can afford all my pdoc and psych is that I am on work cover. However, I don't know what I will do when that stops.


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Re: Moving out of home

Hey @Former-Member 🙂 I approved the larger one when it came through but for some reason it obviously isn't showing up for other members! If you would like to try again, I'm more than happy to re-approve and let you know when I do it, so we can check if it comes through, or see whether there's maybe a technical issues? No worries if not!

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Re: Moving out of home


Re: Moving out of home

@Former-Member I think you need to compensate @Former-Member for the fact that the picture hasn't appeared yet. I reckon about $45000 should be sufficient! Smiley LOL

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Re: Moving out of home

@Former-Member @Phoenix_Rising approved! Can you see it now?

Re: Moving out of home

@Former-Member Yep, I can see it! Now @Former-Member will just have to play some elevator music or something while I compare it to the excel spreadsheet that I happen to have re. my budget. Smiley Very Happy

Re: Moving out of home

I still can't see them 😛 Guess I'll just have to wait.

Re: Moving out of home

@Former-Member I don't think you are doing anything "wrong" at all. The cost of your therapist and medication is huge!!!!! There is no way I could ever afford to see a therapist for that fee. To be honest, I wouldn't even want to because I would feel so resentful and depressed about the cost, that it would be counterproductive for me. I really don't understand how any therapist can justify charging that sort of money. 

My health insurance is only $650 per year because I only have extras cover (i.e. not hospital cover). My phone and internet is the same as yours. My electricity is much higher than you've estimated, but my food bill is much lower. 

So...all in all, nope I can't see that you are doing anything "wrong". Living is expensive! I guess it comes down to choosing what's most important. For example, I know that some people might consider it inappropriate that I spend so much on my violin lessons when I am so poor. However, I get so much out of each lesson and this is something that has super helped me to keep on keeping on during this awful year. So yeah, for me, this is money well spent.

Re: Moving out of home

Can you see the picture yet @TheVorticon? Are you on a phone? I've noticed that sometimes pictures never appear on my phone. 

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Re: Moving out of home

@Phoenix_Rising..... no actually my therapist is insanely cheap - that's for 2 appt a week! Little crazy brain here needs a double dose to stay on track.
Since I'm on Austudy atm I'm paying even less than that!!!!
I'm not willing to ever go into a public psych ward again. I had very negative and traumatising experiences whilst in a public locked ward. So insanely high private health insurance has to stay.
(I would really like to conduct a research study into what the rate of violent and sexual assaults are INSIDE a psych ward, cause once that data gets out the current model is going to have to change!)
I'm assuming I'm going to live in a share house so I estimated 1/4-1/3 of the cost of utilities.
Medication is insane, but a single PBS script costs $38.80 - it adds up quickly when you have multiple chronic medical conditions. I would hit the safety net though, so it is probably a little bit lower than what I estimated.

I just can't understand HOW I can plan a life like this, how will I ever afford a mortgage? As it stands, I can afford a holiday each year - so that's a plus.
I guess what I really got out of what you said is that it's the little extras that make life fun - if I didn't play sport I could cut out physio/gym fees and if I cut out my daily coffee I could probably save a grand or two, but I get a lot of joy, a LOT out of my daily coffee.......
Stupid mental illness. Stupid brain.
Thank you for your perspective... I feel less unsure of myself now. 🙂
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