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Something’s not right

Re: New member with wife diagnosed with schizophrenia in need of guidance.

Nothing will improve until the chemical imbalance is addressed with the right medication. You are fighting an uphill battle.

Re: New member with wife diagnosed with schizophrenia in need of guidance.

I am so sorry to hear about what you are going through Butama. I went through something similar with my sister back in the 1970s when there was very little or no help available. I couldn't understand why she was abusing me so much all the time and believing that i had been sent by Satan to take away her son etc. I tried everything possible. It went on for over a year. Until in total desperation, simply because her young son my nephew was being so badly affected, I succumbed to the worst possible scenario.I applied to have her sectioned. This involved a doctor and a police officer accompanying me to her place and having her involuntarily admitted to hospital. It was the worst thing possible for me to do but in the end I had to do it to save my nephew. However, and this is why I am sharing this, it actually turned out to be the best possible thing I could have done. In time, experimenting with the right drugs to suit my sister and the correct dosages of same and quite a long stay in hospital being professionally cared for whilst establishing the correct medication, she was able to go home.For a while my nephew continued to live with me but in time he was able to go home to his Mum. I know it sounds like a drastic step to take but please consider it. And if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. The only thing I would suggest though, would be to do this here in Australia. Not Thailand.


Re: New member with wife diagnosed with schizophrenia in need of guidance.

Whats your wifes mothers Kidney disorder?
I'm asking because it may have some relativity to your wifes situation.
Did anything originally trigger your wifes symptoms or did it just come out of nowhere?
These are all important questions that need to be answered because you say your committed to helping your wife.

Has the family made any measures to reduce the stress in your wifes lives and “worked on themselves“ to be better able to offer her an environment of support,peace,trust and stability?

Does your wife has insight/awareness into her symptoms?
Ie:are you able to communicate with her that the things she believes might not be rational?

I assume Antipsychotics are readily available in Thailand....are they helping at all?
Again,Schizophrenia is not the only illness that can cause symptoms of paranoia,many other things can cause this including Endocrine disorders.
Its important for you to be proactive and discuss,either on this forum or with a good doctor,whether your wife has/had any physical symptoms in addition to the paranoia..
For example did she gain weight,or have difficult walking or unusual walking style,did she complain of pins and needles or any other physical symptoms.
A good place to start would be to get her thyroid levels checked.
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