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Not sure if i am ill



I have bipolar and anxiety.


I had a relapse on what i thought was psychosis back in October and have slowly improved and wonder whether im in psychosis now or not.


I have been talking to spirits and many things some are nice and some are nasty. Although i have improved alot since this experience started. A couple of strange things happened that make me do wonder if it is psychosis is the fact many people around me that i know haven't reached out and said go to hospital your unwell. Also i had a person that the spirit world said they were sending to mow my lawn. And a person arrive to mow it that i have never met before and im sure of that. Also i come into my bedroom one day and my bed had been completed pushed over and all the legs are now buckled. 


I would like to discuss what psychosis is really like and how long it lasts


Re: Not sure if i am ill

in some cultures speaking with spirits is considered a gift,have you told them to stop?if they do it could be real,i have had this experience and had to tell them to stop and they did but i guess i still really dont know if it was mental illness or a spiritual awakening either,theres some people who talk about this kind of thing and mental health doctors seem to leave them alone while others end up heavily drugged,did you summon them?i tried to summon spirits to help me make the world a better place and then my brother who is also mentally ill came and said to me he could see spirits everywhere,i thought that if i did something bad the spirits leave but i havnt heard any nasty ones speak to me,i dont hear them anymore if i take more meds,good luck i hope you find more likeminded people to find your solution

Re: Not sure if i am ill

Hey @Relly222 Welcome! What you are describing sounds like it could be quite frightening. How do you feel about it? I'm wondering if it's worth a chat to a professional, as I think from my understanding, psychosis can be different for different people. I hope you find some answers. Take care 

Re: Not sure if i am ill

its hard to define what a professional is these days when you look in to who owns the universities who teach the doctors and find out they passed a law many years ago with the intent that a cured patient isn't a costumer,the medication cycle is big money and keeping us ill lines their pockets.the people who own the universities who teach the doctors are truly ruthless deadly businessmen without a conchince

Re: Not sure if i am ill

Hey @wishtogrow everyone is entitled to their own opinion and there is a place for lived experience and individual experiences. I try to remember that my experiences or others might just be one piece of the puzzle and that doctors too have their place and can be lifesaving. There are lots of opinions out there about medications and everyone's experience is unique. I'm mindful when I talk about my own experience to not deter anyone from seeking treatment just because I may have an opinion about something or may have had a negative experience, as everyone will have a different view and it's important for people to make their own choices. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Re: Not sure if i am ill

This site isn't what it claims to be(a place where people with mental illness can communicate with each other)so called professionals might save some lives but no one talks about the people who still commit suicide and violence while under their care also the people who are stuck on medication for the rest of their lives suffering, if the current mental health system works why are people stuck in it all their lives? It's not about rehabilitation it's just about making people medication addicts keeping mental health workers and doctors employed at the expense of human lives that are going through a tough time, admit it the current mental health system is flawed it's based on greed and money not helping people. Look at the top bipolar medication it's one of the highest statistically used medication  for suicide, it takes away serotonin and dopamine which are essential for good mood then it comes in a box with enough pills to take your own life ,you can pretty much say the top   bipolar medication is a suicide kit and you tell me that the mental health system saves lives no they take lives while they're at it, do some research on how many people commit suicide on the top bipolar medication and while under mental health care you will be shocked and the thing is it actually creates the brain chemistry of a suicidal thought process so what's next take a serotonin and dopamine replacement medication feed the medication cycle and big pharma that is taking our lives and the system that makes us slaves to go to school then work then die while only 3% of the entire worlds wealth is all that's in circulation, being a narcissist a sociopath or even a psychopath is considered an advantage in the workforce but as long as you make money that's ok right but when your kind and sweet enough to know something is really wrong with the world and might have enough of a heart to make the world a better place then develop a mental illness from sheer mental pain mental health just pumps drugs down your throat or in to your arm, re not sure if I'm ill could be a gifted medium and make a good living from it but discrimination is all the mental health system and a majority of the public knows, this worlds going downhill ,economic collapse famine and now world war 3,i wonder why when the kind people who could make real positive change are walked all over taken advantage of then develop mental illness and end up medication cycle drug addicts at the hand of a flawed mental health system, that's the reality 

Re: Not sure if i am ill

Hi @wishtogrow 
I hear your frustrations and that your experiences has not always been helpful, its so important that you are able to express what you have been going through. However not everyone experience is the same as yours. Some people find medication and the mental health system beneficial and it meets their needs.
As @Paperdaisy said, everyone is on their own journey and we want to encourage help-seeking for others, not discourage them seeking something they might find helpful ❤️

Re: Not sure if i am ill

I'm a big picture person and statistically the mental health system is flawed, it's just as important to care about the people who the health systems lives it makes worse just as much as the people it helps, the problem is sometimes the people the medication isn't helping don't have a choice in taking the medication and aren't given the option of maybe just talking possibly to a Nuro scientist or help from a naturopathy or natural health remedies like herbs, it's like I said in the 1940s a member of the Rockafella family passed a law that synthetic medication will be the common prescription doctors prescribe and the reason for this law being passed was (a cured patient isn't a customer) this law is heavily reflected in the mental health system they at no time offer any natural side effect free therapies, people are literally dying as a result of this, there are three cancer cures that I know of which have been hidden from the public and people are dying just for big pharma and the Rockafella family to continue their dominance and make money. One of the cures for cancer is on a ted talk on YouTube based on that all cells have a vibrational frequency including cancer cells and cancer cells can be eradicated in the body by finding this vibrational frequency then directing vibrations 11 octaves higher at the cancer cells and then they simply deteriorate curing the patient, the second is  similar to the alkaline diet which was developed by a herbal doctor it electrifies the cells cleanses them and rids the body of cancer, the third is stem cell treatment currently available in Mexico where they multiply what's called dendritic cells and inject them back in to the patient curing cancer, all these cures have been documented but just like the mental health system the real cures are being held back from the public at the expense of human life all in the name of profit, if medication works for some people that's definitely a good thing but the people who it doesn't work for deserve other options and not to be forced against their will, just letting you know this isn't opinion but fact, the mental health system and in fact the entire health system is in need of serious review people are dying for profit but I know that anyone who takes on this huge problem will end up in a lot of trouble, many people don't respect the doctors profession anymore and are waking up to this injustice of being hooked on medication and never being cured so are searching for alternative therapies but in the mental health system patients are not given a choice and it's just wrong especially when its usually the kind trusting people who develop mental illness, if you look up patient psychologist interview tactics you will be shocked at the level of manipulation used even to just put the patient in to a mind state where they think they are willingly returning to the interviews but have been manipulated in to being a medication addict, it's not right and I don't know how much more evidence someone needs to understand this is no longer a respected profession from a perspective of evidence and not opinion

Not applicable

Re: Not sure if i am ill

Hey @Relly222! I am conscious that this thread has moved away from the community support you were looking for! It sounds like things felt pretty confusing for you a few days ago, I hope you have been doing ok, if you're still here on the forums feel free to let us know how you have been going 💜

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