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Points to consider in seeking a therapist



7 Points to Consider In Seeking a Therapist:


1) Does the therapist seek regular case consultations or supervision with someone experienced with trauma, dissociative disorders and PTSD (ie. has had at least  several such clients and over 10 years experience with successful outcomes, or as outlined in point 4 below)?

2) Is the therapist and his or her case consultant or supervisor versed in the principles and strategies outlined in the reading list below?

3) Has the therapist attended regular training in this field with experienced local and international clinicians in the trauma field?

4) Is there an existing good relationship with a therapist who is not experienced in therapy for trauma but is willing to seek ongoing guidance through case consultation as well as attend training to develop core skills and principles of trauma-informed therapy?

5) Does the therapist provide clarity about expectation of boundaries and are these clearly communicated? This is preferable in written format to avoid confusion regarding session times, payment, cancellations, safe / any touch versus intrusive or uncomfortable, notice re holidays, agreements re contact outside of sessions should that be likely etc. A trauma informed therapist will consistently actively respect these boundaries. The rights and responsibilities of both a client and therapist deserve respect and acknowledgment.

6) Does the therapist appreciate that symptoms and experiences reflect a problem and are not the problem per se?

7) Does the therapist have skills to facilitate strategies to assist with the symptoms and process difficult emotions at a safe pace, in collaboration with what the individual is ready and willing to work with?

A reliable, experienced and compassionate therapist can provide support to navigate troubled waters. Guidance at a safe pace can assist in rebuilding what has been shaken and to transform fragmentation into a cohesive and creative expression.


Re: Points to consider in seeking a therapist

Hi Appleblossom,

Thanks for sharing.  It proved to be an interesting read.  I particulalry like number 7 - Does the therapist have skills to facilitate strategies to assist with the symptoms and process difficult emotions at a safe pace, in collaboration with what the individual is ready and willing to work with?  I feel that is a really important feature of therapy.



Re: Points to consider in seeking a therapist

Thanks for reply @snoopy Yes it made the point about skills for emotional processing clear.

So that it is not too vague or a moot point when client and therapist dont seem to get along.  It is great that in general a horses for courses approach is prevalent in MH field ... but that might also mask the shortcomings of individual therapists.

Some people (eg ME!) seem to be lost in a neverending stream of different therapeutic personalities ... and modalities.

Also there is some responsibility for therapists to be able to process the realities and difficult emotions that people pass through at times in their lives.  Given what I have experienced and read on this forum a lot of therapists dont.... either dont know how ... or dont want to learn how ...  

That is not really good enough with the fees they are being paid by taxpayer and out of pocket expenses.


Re: Points to consider in seeking a therapist

I was recently referred to another source of 'points to consider when taking on a new psych' here.

It also suggests making a 10 minute phone appt with a prospective psych - is that feasible in an Australian context?

Re: Points to consider in seeking a therapist

Yep I phone a psych before jabs but he turned out to be a creep after 3 sessions
I think the main point here is

SHOP around yes!! If you can get a referral even better.

Outcomes - what do you want out of the sessions??

Re: Points to consider in seeking a therapist

Ps went for a psychoanalyst an d she is brilliant! ' such a difference from psychologists
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13 RUAH (13 7824)

255 Hay Street, Subiaco, Western Australia 6008

Ruah Community Services acknowledges and respects the Traditional Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Custodians/Owners of the land on which we work, live and build our lives, families, and communities. We pay our respects to the First Peoples of this country, their cultures and Elders past, present and emerging.